Saturday, March 7, 2009

Doggy Jail

You can imagine how alarming it was for me to get a ride home from work and have to point out my house by saying, "It's the one with the cop car in front of it..."

I've posted before about our dog and the neighbor's chicken. The chicken liked to come play, they were friends. She even started laying her eggs in our front yard. We'd talked to the neighbors about it a few times. They were planning in the near future to put a cover on the chicken coop, and were even looking at them today. I guess tonight Dominator played a little too rough. Joshua went outside to feed the dog and was disgusted to find a dead chicken in our back yard. So...the neighbors and authorities were notified, the dead chicken removed from our backyard, statements taken, and our poor dog put in the back of the police car. He has to go to doggy jail for 10 days, to be observed, then hopefully he gets to come home. They said we could visit him, and they let him take some of his toys.

Luckily, there's no hard feelings between us and the neighbors, and the lady cop who came over was nice, too. Just an unfortunate situation we have to deal with the best we can. We're just glad we got him his rabies shot a couple weeks ago.


Sariah said...

I hope Dominator gets to come home soon. I'm glad your neighbors are not upset. He is just a puppy and the chicken did come into your yard. :S

Janna said...

Dang, that stinks. What do expect from a dog though when a chicken lives next door? I don't understand why he'd have to go to doggy jail for that... it's not like he bit a person. Weird.

Cleverly Triple said...

that's weird, why did he have to go to doggy jail for that?

Loots said...

I think it's more to observe him, make sure he's not a violent dog, than a punishment...we just call it that. ha ha I don't really know, I got home from work in the middle of it.

She Loves To Make said...

Oh that is so hard. My parents had the best dog and one day, out of nowhere, he killed the neighbor's cat. We felt so bad! We had to put Jake (our dog) to sleep because of it. You're lucky you can get your dog back!!! I think big dogs just don't realize their strength!