Sunday, December 26, 2010

After 2 1/2 years...

I finally get pregnant...while we're living at my parents' house???

Of all the times for it to happen, why now? Not that I don't want it's just...strange.

That being said, we're super excited. Kinda hoping for a girl, then we'll have one of each. But it doesn't really matter. Healthy is all we care about.

I realize people are meaning well when they ask how I'm feeling, but I usually just say I'm fine even when I'm not. Isn't it kinda personal whether I'm puking my guts out or not? Even if I am, I'd like to pretend I'm not, thanks.

EDD: AUGUST 3, 2011. Check out the floating baby thingy on my side bar. :)


Heidi Smith said...

Ya!! Congratulations!!

Kelly Family said...

Yay! Congrats :)

Cleverly Triple said...

woo hoo! congratulations!

Kristina said...


~AnnaMarie~ said...

Congratulations Loots! I am so happy for you! I know what you mean about timing...sometimes it makes ya wonder ;) Good luck with everything!